Are you planning to shop on the net

If you’re planning to shop on the net, kudos to you. shop on the net. I even have an internet site! But coming to my store and making me show you all the different designs and qualities and taking pictures ( although I have a sign that specifically says photography not allowed!) and then telling me that you take these pictures so you can go home and see how it works with your environment??? At least don’t insult my intelligence!

What you get to see in my store, is not the same quality as the ones you find on the net. How do you think they can sell it for a better price?

Good rugs cost money! For some people it makes no difference what quality they get. Understandable, but please go on the internet and ask them to provide you with the information you seek.

As you can tell I am a bit upset that those people that want to purchase online, make you work the hardest.

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Maximillian Tschalabi